An excerpt From Whispers from Kith and Kin: Gettysburg Part Two, page 19:
the Southern Senator Preston Abernathy as well as Miss Polly and Dred, the house slaves, prepared for
the morrow’s annual Fourth of July Parade. The senator had returned home from the capital in Richmond, as he did every year, to marshal the Independence Day parade. Even though the occasion this year was somewhat uncertain, Miss Polly laid out traditional modest black and white attire for both of the Abernathy women in accordance with their social status as representatives of the senator.
The holiday was contentious—independence from Britain or the pending independence from the North? It was like celebrating the extrication of a family member. Should it be celebrated at all.
Authors Angle:
The continuation from Dec 2023 Blog. The topic of conversation amongst our readers has been ‘reparation’.
Surprisingly a goodly number of our readers’ feel that compensation from past wrongdoing should be considered as compensation able. The problem is how far back in history should be compensational? Should slavery reparation extend all the way back to the beginning of the middle ages?
An excerpt From Part Two page 21
However, when Phillip’s father was killed by that stallion, and she was given the opportunity to accompany the wedding party to Burke’s Corners for Phillip and Clara’s wedding; she jumped at the opportunity to see Ben again. She now felt that the family crisis might be the catalyst to bring them closer together.
She smiled, closed her eyes, and contemplated, I will marry this man—if he asks.
Shannon’s Recipe Corner
1/4 cup flour
1/3 cup cocoa
1 cup sugar
Whisk all together in a sauce pan
Gradually whisk in 2 1/2 cups hot water till smooth
Cook on medium heat stirring constantly until it comes to a boil and simmer for one minute
Take off heat and stir in vanilla
Serve hot on pancakes.